Monday, 13 February 2012

upcoming topics

  •  Aggressive forces in 1930's Europe and Asia, that lead to the outbreak of World War II. 
  •  New Zealand Soldiers at War. 
  •  Social Disruption and Protest.
  •  Religion and Terrorism.
  •   The Cold War and its Consequences.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Part 02 of 06 - Julius Caesar - Critical moment 1/6 Ancient Rome The Ris...

Did you know that a spanish soldier who was with Hernán Cortés during his conquest of Mexico tells that when the Aztec emperor Moctezuma II dined he had no other drink other than chocolate which was served in a golden goblet. this was flavoured with vanilla or other spices.
It was also reported that Moctezuma II had no fewer than 50 portions each day with a further 2000 portions consumed by all the nobles at his court in Tenochtitlan.

   Moctezuma II                                                                   Hernán Cortés                       

BBC Ancient Rome The Rise and Fall of an Empire 1of6 Caesar

Roman Timeline

My aim is to promote History in a fun and Interesting way!

Using modern media and current media trends.