Wednesday, 1 August 2012

September 11 Attacks Conspiracy Theories

There have been many different conspiracy theories about the September 11 attacks in 2001 some people like Michael Meacher a former British Environment Minister and member of former British Prime minister Tony Blair's cabnet believe that the United States of America had foreknowledge of the attacks but knowingly failed to stop them from happening, and author David Ray Griffin claimed that the 9/11 commission report "is constructed in support of one big lie: that the official story about 9/11 is true". Other conspiracy theorists claim that the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) issued an order to stand down or scrambled Jet fighters to late so the hijacked planes from American Airlines and United Airlines could reach their targets unopposed, the website believes that the U.S. military failed to do their job, Mark R. Elsis from also believed the theory that NORAD issued an order to stand down because he said "There is only one explanation for this .... Our Air Force was ordered to Stand Down on 9/11". Another one of the many theories was that Israeli agents had prior knowledge of the attacks, the FBI did arrest five Israelis who had been filming the aftermath from the roof of a white van that was in the parking lot of one of the apartment blocks, The Forward a Jewish magazine bassed in New York stated that the FBI had concluded that only two of the men that they arrested were Israeli agents, eventually the FBI concluded that the five Israelis that they had arrested had no prior knowledge of the September 11 attacks. Some more popular conspiracy theories are that the the world trade centers twin towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions, that United Airlines flight 93 wich crashed into a field in Pennsylvania was actually shot down by a missile, the four planes that were hijacked were actually remotely controlled, and another was that Al Qaida were not responsible for the september 11 attacks. Most if not all of these conspiracy theories have been disproved.

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